Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why do you stay at Saint Barnabas?

Take a moment to share why you stay at Saint Barnabas Presbyterian Church.  Post a comment below.


  1. We stay at St. Barnabas because it's our extended family, especially the adult choirs and the Breakfast Bible Study where we get all our answers questioned. It's also our social life as Presbyterians who imbibe at the Pea and Mo-Men who play dominoes. We still like the preaching by Tom and Claire and all the choirs under DeWayne, George, Robin, and Susan.

  2. I stay at St. B. because it is there that my soul is fed--worship, the sacraments, preaching, and inviting conversation. I stay because I can serve in ways not only do I feel called but in ways I can be me. I stay because God continues to open doors for me through and with this community.
