Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Where is God calling Saint Barnabas next?

Take a moment to consider the many ways Saint Barnabas serves the church and the community.  What are your hopes and dreams for Saint Barnabas?  Where is God calling Saint Barnabas next?  Post a comment below.


  1. We need to look at the needs of our community as they are, not as we want them to be. We need to to listen to others in our community and respond in loving ways. We need to be willing to be somewhat uncomfortable with some of the changes that may be needed. The older we get, the harder it is to change, but we have been good with it in the past.

  2. Young parents are gradually buying homes in our neighborhood as retirees downsize or move to assisted living. We need to find ways to attract culturally diverse Christians with young families to repopulate our youth programs. Betty L. has it right that we need to listen and respond to their needs, even when it involves change. Flexible Presbyterians? What a concept.
